Project Management ยินดีต้อนรับ :

รายการทั้งหมด อยู่ระหว่างดำเนินการ รออนุมัติ อนุมัติแล้ว
Campaign Info.
Status approved
Created Date 2021-06-02 17.02 Created by New
Request Date 2021-06-02 17.02 Request by New
Approved Date 2021-06-04 14.09 Approved by Mhee
Platform shopee Priority urgent
Start Date 2021-07-09 End Date 2021-07-11
Campaign Name Home electronics
Campaign Detail Tier 1
Top Rank 4
Flash Sale Voucher 3
Deals of the day 2
Top picks 2
Product Collection 30
Platform Request 1) Value (THB)
Seller voucher 50% / 4000
Ads 50% / 4000
2) Value (THB)
Seller voucher 100% / 8000
3) Value (THB)
Ads 100% (Paid ads, FB, CPAS) / 8000
Preparation -
Cash 0.00 Boost Post 8,000.00
Total Cost 8,000.00
Base Amount
Promotion Amount (Compare to Base Amount)
Result Amount (Compare to Promotion Amount)
Difference (Result Amount - Baseline Amount)
Total Cost
Attach Files

Date Notes User